Every four years there is a tremendous pressure to fall in line and support a candidate for Presidency of the United States. Some years, these candidates deserve it. Some years, they do not. I do not support anyone vying to become the next President. My understanding of history, my understanding of...

Reading and Minor Life Updates, H1 2019


We come again to an update on what I’ve been reading and doing. I never got around to actually doing a year in review after my last post, so I’ll try to summarize here, first.

In many ways, I feel like I’ve very on track with my life. I can’t per...

While I did plenty of other reading in 2018, the majority of my reading time and goals were dedicated to a few things. I wouldn’t call myself a voracious reader. I certainly try, but I often fall prey to doing things that don’t accumulate and crystallize--timesinks abound. I set a goal of reading ab...

Test Post 3

Patterns via patterncooler